Sugar Siren Cakes News

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Full Minty! Mint Choc Chip Cupcakes

These decadent cupcakes are some more from my 'Deluxe Gourmet' range, a much more grown up style of cupcake & just the ticket for a more males birthday.

Well what a lucky man this was, his lovely wife ordered him 2 dozen of these delicious cupcakes for his 30th birthday to be delivered to the restaurant where they were having their celebratory dinner.

The cake was my 'Midnight Delight' (a moist dark chocolate mud cake) which I paired with a pale green peppermint Swiss meringue buttercream that was generously studded with chunks of top quality Lindt dark mint chocolate.

For the crowning glory each cupcake was then topped with a perfect whole square of Lindt dark mint chocolate & the final indulgent touch was a lavish drizzle of rich home made chocolate sauce.

Here we have one of the boxes of 1 dozen all ready to go to the restaurant.

The customer also hired my cupcake stand for this order so that they could have the cakes displayed in a stunning cupcake tower & I set that all up for them at the restaurant before they arrived so that they would get the full impact when the cupcakes were brought out.

I have to say that it looked really fantastic but I stupidly forgot to take a photo & unfortunately for me they did not take any either which is a real shame.  I certainly won't be forgeting to take one next time.


  1. Those cupcakes look scrumptious!

  2. They were! the batch made a couple extra so we (me & the kids) got to sample them, very nice indeed.

  3. Those look amazing. You are my new inspiration.

  4. Thanks so much guys.

    Yes I have been lucky enough to be featured on Cupcakes Take the Cake twice now Penny.



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